Jennifer Woore (pictured to the left in the peach-colored shirt) is our newest future Habitat homeowner to sign a partnership agreement. The construction of her home begins in early 2023. Read a little bit about Jennifer below:
"I work for Thrivent Financial and AccraCare. I am currently testing to advance in my career to become a licensed life insurance representative with Thrivent. I have 3 children - Adam (27), Emily (25), and Aaron (19). I have a cat named Indigo! Space and safety are what I am looking forward to the most about owning my own home. Getting this house is more than I could have expected. I feel very grateful and blessed! I am looking forward to learning the building process and being hands on. I have a few people who are ready to swing hammers with me! God has been with me all along my journey. I believe I am in the palm of his hands! Thank you Habitat!"